Broker Intermediary


  1. Your name like Broker (if you have a any license) or Intermediary will be write in our web site (more than 160.000 views), social and App.
  2. Marketing on paper.
  3. Marketing on web: we have a team of professional informatics who will work for you. Google Ads, Facebook Ads. Instagram, Youtube etc.
  4. Merchandising for you and your team.
  5. International circuit with over 6 offices in 3 continent.
  6. Mother Tongue translaton of our company to your service. Languages with translators are English, Russian, Arab, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, German, French, Portuguese.
  7. Revenue divided from 1 to 25% for you according each contract you will bring.



  1. Press Office Your name will be in the most prestigious and famous magazines and newspapers in the world.
  2. Your name like Area Manager will be wire In our web site (more than 160.000 views), social and App.
  3. Marketing on paper.
  4. Marketing on web. we have a team o professional informatics who will work for you. Google Ads, Facebook Ads. Instagram. YoTube. etc.
  5. Legal Adviser: they will help you for each contract or everything you will need.
  6. Our secretary to your service.
  7. Merchandising for you and your team.
  8. Email with your name
  9. International circuit with over 6 offices in 3 Continent.
  10. You can use one of our villas in Capri for two night (not during week end from May to Semptember)
  11. Mother Tongue translators of our company to your service. Languages with translators are: English,  Russian, Arab, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, German, French, Portoguese.
  12. Access to all our villas, yachts, jet and exclusive services all over the planet to propose to your clients
  13. You can have you own brokers-intermediaries.
  14. Revenue divided 50% for you 50% for Luxury Private Group.
  15. After our staff check your office and especially the position of it, you are allowed to put our License Plate.



  1. Press Office: Your name will be in the most prestigious and famous magazines and newspapers in the world.
  2. Your name like Partner will be write in our web site (more than 160.000 views). Social and App.
  3. Marketing on paper,
  4. Marketing on web: we have a team of professional informatics who will work for you. Google Ads, Facebook Ads. Instagram, Youtube etc.
  5. Merchandising for you and your team.
  6. Legal Adviser: they will help you for each contract or everything you will need.
  7. Our secretary to your service.
  8. Email with your name.
  9. International circuit with over 6 offices in 3 continent.
  10. You can use one of our villas in Capri for two night (not during week end from May to September)
  11. Mother Tongue translators of our company to your service. Languages with translators are: English, Russian, Arab, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, German, French, Portuguese.
  12. Access to all our villas, yachts, jet and exclusive services all over the planet to propose to your clients.
  13. You can have you own broker-intermediaries.
  14. Revenue divided 50% for you 50% for Luxury Private Group
  15. You buy part of the company and the dividends.